Improving user retention for Microsoft 365

Our subscription management experience lets our customers cancel their current Microsoft 365 subscriptions. As part of modernizing our commerce approach, we aimed to build a new cancellation process that boosts customer retention by explaining subscription value, while still keeping the cancellation process simple.


Microsoft Corporation


Design Lead




Churn rates were highest among the customers with low or no usage of their Microsoft 365 subscriptions, an indicator that customers were struggling to find the value that they were looking for and that caused them to quickly cancel their subscription. Our research indicated that this was due to value discovery issues and product selection issues.

To address the high churn rates, our project focused on resolving critical pain points related to value discovery and product selection within Microsoft 365 subscriptions. Through in-depth research, we delved into customer usage patterns and identified key areas where users struggled to perceive and maximize the value of their subscriptions.

Our findings underscored the significance of streamlining the value discovery process and optimizing product selection to ensure that customers not only recognize the full potential of their subscriptions but also find it seamlessly aligned with their needs. By tackling these issues head-on, our goal is to not only reduce churn rates but also cultivate a more positive and satisfying user experience, fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Guiding principles



Transparency in the subscription cancellation experience for Microsoft 365 builds trust by clearly explaining each step and potential consequences, ensuring users feel respected and valued.

Transparency in the subscription cancellation experience for Microsoft 365 builds trust by clearly explaining each step and potential consequences, ensuring users feel respected and valued.

Transparency in the subscription cancellation experience for Microsoft 365 builds trust by clearly explaining each step and potential consequences, ensuring users feel respected and valued.



Keep the process easy to understand, minimize the number of steps and reduce the cognitive load for the user. Use plain language, intuitive navigation, and clear instructions to guide users through the process effortlessly.

Keep the process easy to understand, minimize the number of steps and reduce the cognitive load for the user. Use plain language, intuitive navigation, and clear instructions to guide users through the process effortlessly.

Keep the process easy to understand, minimize the number of steps and reduce the cognitive load for the user. Use plain language, intuitive navigation, and clear instructions to guide users through the process effortlessly.



Focus on the user needs and provide support, like offering alternative solutions or highlighting potential benefits of staying subscribed. This involves learning why users might want to cancel and addressing those concerns proactively.

Focus on the user needs and provide support, like offering alternative solutions or highlighting potential benefits of staying subscribed. This involves learning why users might want to cancel and addressing those concerns proactively.

Providing value

Providing value

We want to demonstrate the value that users receive from their subscription. Highlighting key features and personalized benefits reminds users of what they stand to lose, thereby encouraging them to reconsider their decision.

We want to demonstrate the value that users receive from their subscription. Highlighting key features and personalized benefits reminds users of what they stand to lose, thereby encouraging them to reconsider their decision.

We want to demonstrate the value that users receive from their subscription. Highlighting key features and personalized benefits reminds users of what they stand to lose, thereby encouraging them to reconsider their decision.

Impact created

Estimated retention rate




Resulted retention rate




Estimated saved users




Resulted saved users




Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆

Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆

Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆