Setting up Microsoft 365

The Microsoft 365 Setup guidance experience is enabled by the FastTrack team to empower users to swiftly deploy Microsoft Cloud services in their environment. As someone leading the design efforts, my primary focus was on optimizing the user experience and visual design across all aspects of the feature.

By enhancing the overall look and feel, as well as streamlining the user flow, we simplified the setup process and ensure a seamless experience for users.



Microsoft Corporation



Product Designer




Overview of FastTrack and Setup guidance

Microsoft 365 Setup Guidance is a part the FastTrack initiative that provides IT admins with personalized guidance and resources for planning and deploying their tenancy, apps, and services on cloud.

FastTrack is an independent program that operates within the Microsoft 365 environment. It helps customers deploy Microsoft cloud solutions.

By improving the existing design for the Setup guidance experience, the FastTrack team wanted to make the experience coherent with the modern redesign of Microsoft 365 admin center, while also improving the designs for users to quickly adopt Microsoft cloud services in their organization.

Understanding user problem

We dived into our user feedback logs to understand what users had to say about the existing experience. Evaluating the feedback, we then started to form trends.

As a final step to validate these trends, we then conducted quick user research with 5 IT admins who recently set up Microsoft 365 in their organization.

We spoke with users about their initial usage, how they started setting up the different services, what are the pain points they face during the process, and how do they seek help if they encounter a roadblock.




New users’ receptivity to get started with Microsoft online services is highest during early stages in their usage lifecycle.

New users’ receptivity to get started with Microsoft online services is highest during early stages in their usage lifecycle.

New users’ receptivity to get started with Microsoft online services is highest during early stages in their usage lifecycle.




The existing experience provides users with required resources to get started but users need more insights about the setup process.

The existing experience provides users with required resources to get started but users need more insights about the setup process.

The existing experience provides users with required resources to get started but users need more insights about the setup process.




The existing information hierarchy isn’t clear and needs to be re-arranged to make the process more understandable.

The existing information hierarchy isn’t clear and needs to be re-arranged to make the process more understandable.




Users remain largely unaware of important feature like FastTrack Assistance, that can ensure more personalized help in tackling their initial roadblocks.

Users remain largely unaware of important feature like FastTrack Assistance, that can ensure more personalized help in tackling their initial roadblocks.

Users remain largely unaware of important feature like FastTrack Assistance, that can ensure more personalized help in tackling their initial roadblocks.

Functional requirements / feature prioritization

User flow and page structure

Inspirations and references

Webflow's (website building and hosting platform) website is a fine example of setting a clear purpose using a hero banner and subsequently explaining top features of its service to the users.

Another example that we looked at was the Unsplash Developer website, which provides a great example of explaining the feature and benefits of the Unsplash API.

Other existing admin portals like the Dropbox Admin Console showcase excellent use of color and icons as visual cues to keep users updated about their overall status and progress.

Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆

Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆

Designed and built in Seattle 🌊 🦆